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“we create jewelry to build memories”

To make some of our memories always memorable, we create bespoke jewelry. These remind us of moments, people, dates... Whatever is important to you. For these products we extract their references from the customer and through design we tell their exclusive story. Over time, these pieces become part of other memories and gain new meanings.

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Special order for someone we admire.

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 Birth order. A little angel arriving in the family’s life.

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Order of a Coin style pendant, from a godmother for her godson. Celebrating life and your love of sport.

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Order made by a mother who was presented with a bijoux ring chosen and bought by her son as a child. We made a gold and natural stone version of the model, so she could always wear this gift.

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Commemorative pendants: for the birth of a daughter, purchase of an apartment... for each event a pendant designed exclusively.

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 © JIMAGINNE 2024, All rights reserved

The photos published here, logo and brand are property of JIMAGINNE. Its reproduction, in whole or in part, is prohibited.

CNPJ 28.954.648/0001-16, headquartered at Rua Helena nº 218 - Bairro Vila Olímpia - São Paulo - SP. Email:

WhatsApp  +33 679762235

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